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How to install a PVC waterproof sealing strip?

  • August 25, 2023 2:48 AM -03

    Installing a PVC waterproof sealing strip is an essential step in ensuring that your shower door remains free from leaks and water damage. Fortunately, the process is relatively straightforward and can be completed with just a few simple steps.

    Ensure that the surface where you will be installing the strip is clean and dry. Any dust or moisture can prevent proper adhesion of the strip. Next, measure the length of the area where you will be placing the strip and cut it accordingly using a sharp utility knife or scissors.

    Once you have your strip ready, peel off the backing tape to expose the adhesive side. Carefully position it along the edge of your shower door, making sure to press firmly as you go along to ensure a secure bond.

    If necessary, use a rubber mallet or similar tool to gently tap down on any areas where there may be gaps between the strip and door surface. This will help create an even seal.

    Allow sufficient time for the adhesive to fully bond before exposing it to water or heavy use. Check manufacturer guidelines for specific drying times.

    By following these simple steps, you can easily install a PVC waterproof sealing strip and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your shower door is protected against leaks.

    PVC waterproof sealing strip